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Bubba the Panda

Bubba the panda bear was very nice panda bear who fell in into a lot of troublesome situations. One of these situations occurred while Bubba was walking back from the bamboo patch after gathering food for a large meal. He was walking along the trail when a snail crossed his path and asked him for some directions.

Bubba was just a young panda and probably should not have been down this trail all by himself, so when this snail began talking to him he was not sure what to say. When snail asked how to get back the forest bubba answered, “that way.” The snail asked bubba to lead him to the forest. Bubba was too nice to say no to this. As the two continued down the trail the snail began to shout some sort of call. All of the sudden there were eight angry-looking, mean, and bad pandas scattered around Bubba. These eight pandas stole all the bamboo bubba had worked so hard to gather.

After losing all of his bamboo, Bubba ran back to his mother and father and told them of his incident. His mother and father told him it was ok and gave him all the bamboo and fruit he could ever eat. The moral of the story is that young pandas should not stroll through the jungle alone. They should also be very weary of talking to slugs that they are not familiar with.

Wed, 12 May 2010 17:14:42 -0700

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Title: Bubba the Little Panda Bear
Weblog: Pongo Beach
Excerpt: Bubba bear was a very small little panda cub who lived in a circus, Bubba loved nothing more than to eat especially sugary treats. However he wasn't an ordinary panda for his fur colour changed to match his mood. One day the ringmaster came in and noticed little Bubba was a shade of blue. "Why are y . . .
Tracked: Wed, 12 May 2010 22:09:20 -0700

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