Pongo Beach


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Bubba the Little Panda Bear

Bubba bear was a very small little panda cub who lived in a circus, Bubba loved nothing more than to eat especially sugary treats. However he wasn't an ordinary panda for his fur colour changed to match his mood. One day the ringmaster came in and noticed little Bubba was a shade of blue. "Why are you so blue today Bubba?" asked the ringmaster. The short panda looked up at the ringmaster and replied, "I love it here, but I wonder what is out there in the big wide world, is there even tastier food?” The ringmaster smiled at Bubba and explained there was lots of different types of food and people and that he should go and explore all of them. And so little bubba (a bright content orange and yellow) set off with a pack of his favourite meal and some money and waved farewell to the ringmaster and the circus.

Bubba travelled many a mile trying different foods and encountering different people, he travelled across the deserts and tried the foods (which he found too spicy); he trekked across the big city and found the people too rude.

Eventually Bubba came across Pongo Beach where many children ran about playing different games, Bubba ran to them and all the children stopped and stared at little Bubba as his fur changed colour. The kids instantly loved how his fur changed colours (the girls especially loved the baby pink). After playing with the children for several hours Bubba found that he was really hungry, the kind children ran off and came back with some sugar canes for Bubba. As he began to nibble on them he found them to be the sweetest of all foods that he had come across on his journey. With a happy smile Bubba knew that he had found a nice new place to live.

Blue Scotty
Sun, 09 May 2010 19:22:44 -0700

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Title: Bubba the Panda
Weblog: Pongo Beach
Excerpt: Bubba the panda bear was very nice panda bear who fell in into a lot of troublesome situations. One of these situations occurred while Bubba was walking back from the bamboo patch after gathering food for a large meal. He was walking along the trail when a snail crossed his path and asked him for so . . .
Tracked: Wed, 12 May 2010 22:08:54 -0700

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