Pongo Beach


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Cutie Buddies - Great Friends, Great Fun!

The brilliant sun was shining down on Pongo Beach, as it did every day. On the shore, buried in the sand were tons of beautiful shells. Some were large, some were small, some were rosy pink, and others a cool blue. On one particular day, a little orange bunny was hopping along, following a butterfly. When she got to the beach however, her foot landed on something hard.

"Ouch!" she cried, startled. Looking down, she saw a partially covered shell. It glimmered in the sunlight, and she stooped to pick it up.

"Hey there, I heard someone yelling, are you alright?" A green little frog had come up behind her. The bunny explained that everything was fine; she had simply stumbled upon a shell. The two gazed at it for a moment, but it wasn't long before they were disturbed.

"Whoa, what's this!" called a purple bird from above, "I see something shiny, don't I?" She plunged down towards the beach, skidding across and sending sand flying.

The bird was soon told by the other two about the shell, and they looked at it for a little while. Then looking up, they realized that there were more. When the bird had landed, she had uncovered lots more shells. They set out together and collected as many of them as they could. Then, they worked together to create a sandcastle, and decorated it with their new shells.

They looked back at their work, satisfied. The three new friends decided that they wanted to have their own name. "We could be called the 'cutie buddies'!" suggested one. And they all agreed that this would be a very good name. So from that point on, one could always find these three buddies playing together on Pongo Beach!

Sun, 06 Jun 2010 10:54:49 -0700

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