Pongo Beach


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Flower Girl - Jasmine

There once was an innocent sweet girl named Jasmine. Everyone called her flower girl because she sold flowers. Everyone, on Pongo Island, admired her beauty and charm. She was originally from Wonder Island which was closeby. Jasmine's father lost his job and they were forced to move to Pongo Island. Jasmine lived with her father and her brother. Her brother was just 4 yrs old but was very naughty and his name was Ryan. Ryan used to follow her, whereever she went, and he helped her sold flowers. They were poor but they always thanked God for what they had. Jasmine's father was old and could not work anymore, but he wanted Jasmine to have a good life. People of Pongo Island liked Jasmine's flowers and praised her for bringing such a wonderful flowers.

Once a young prince named Harold saw Jasmine in the market selling flowers and fell in love with her. He was confused how to express his feelings for her. But everyday he went to market and bought flowers from her. Harold wanted to marry her but was scared what she would say once she finds out. Jasmine, too, liked Harold but never expressed as she thought she did not deserve him. While Jasmine sold flowers, Ryan always played nearby. One day he saw Harold speaking to his friend about how he loves Jasmine and would do anything for her happiness. Ryan ran to her sister and told her what he heard. Jasmine's eyes filled with tears listening to what Harold said. She ran to Harold and kissed his forehead. Jasmine said that she too loved him but was scared about expressing it to him. With the consent of Jasmine's father they both wed and lived happily ever after with naughty Ryan.

Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:06:42 -0700

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