Pongo Beach


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Princess Wind Dancing Playfully Through the Trees

It's a delightfully warm and sunny day on Pongo Island. There's a light and playful breeze dancing and twirling through the leaves of the tall trees, but this lovely breeze has a name, it's Princess Wind. She's that refreshing brush of cool summer air you feel on the back of your neck on the warmest of days, and the mystical breeze that jingles your wind chimes while you sleep, making beautiful music to lull you into the sweetest of dreams. She is the soft whisper of wind that carries your dandelion offerings to the wish fairies, when you close your eyes really tightly and wish with all your might.

Princes Wind has always been, and will always be, on Pongo Island. Since the beginning of Pongo Island time, she has danced her way through the trees, skipped playfully over the water off of Pongo Beach, and offered her help to the busy mothers of Pongo Island, as they dried their clothes in her warm breeze on their clothes lines.

So, as you sit in the sand and see the waves lapping softly at the shores of Pongo Beach, twirl happily in the swirling leaves on a crisp autumn day, or listen in delight to the magical tunes coming from the wind chime outside of your bedroom window, know that it is Princess Wind, and offer a little thanks for the magic she brings into the lives of all the Pongo Island residents.

Thu, 11 Nov 2010 11:16:51 -0800

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