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When Super Hero Water was a child, he was never like the other children. He enjoyed spending almost all of his time near or in water. He found that he wasn't interested in school or television. All Super Hero Water wanted to do was swim in the pool or soak in the tub.
He began to spend so much time in the water his skin never seemed to pickle and pucker like everyone else's did. He began to glide through the water so quickly he started to think he was made of water!
His friends and parents did not understand his obsession. They wanted him to spend his time on land like a normal boy. His family was tired of Water Hero leaving puddles wherever he went. Super Hero Water could not understand their dismay. Didn't they feel the call of the ocean like he did?
One day when Super Hero Water was a little older, he began to notice some strange changes. He began to drip water all the time. He felt sick whenever he was out of the water. His parents grew concerned and didn't know what to do. Their boy's skin was turning blue!
Super Hero Water was confused by the changes but wasn't scared. He knew that he was destined for something more than a simple life of land. One night Hero Water had a strange dream. He saw an island filled with other special people like himself. It was a place where he could be accepted for who he was and learn about his growing powers.
Super Hero Water leapt out of bed and told his parents about the strange dream and the wonderful place called Pongo Island. To his amazement, his parents had the same dream! They agreed that Pongo Island must be real and the perfect place for Super Hero Water to start his new adventure.
The family headed to the beach feeling happier than they had in years. As Super Hero Water stepped into the vast sea, his change became complete. His body morphed into a large blue puddle that magically held itself in place. Super Hero Water had never felt so good. He dove into the water and swam towards his destiny at Pongo Island.
Tue, 11 May 2010 11:09:25 -0700
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Title: Super Hero Earth - The Long Awaited Sandman
Weblog: Pongo Beach
Excerpt: With the strong winds and current, the sand came alive. High and high it rose and assembled in a form of a large monstrous super human. It baked under the sun until it is hard like Earth. On Pongo Beach, he wandered endlessly, hard as a rock, looking for an answer to who he was. Confused and unkn . . .
Tracked: Tue, 11 May 2010 23:38:22 -0700
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