Pongo Beach


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Super Hero Earth - The Long Awaited Sandman

With the strong winds and current, the sand came alive. High and high it rose and assembled in a form of a large monstrous super human. It baked under the sun until it is hard like Earth.

On Pongo Beach, he wandered endlessly, hard as a rock, looking for an answer to who he was. Confused and unknown of his own identity, he walked through the warm sands, in the glazing sun.

A bit confused on what he was, he sat on the sand! Fishermen ran helter-skelter as they are scared of such a monstrous sight. Being on these islands for ages, these fishermen had never seen such a monster on the beach. They wondered where it came from, "Was it because of the storm?" Some cried, "God help us!"

No one dared to walk on the beach. The super human wondered what was wrong, whether he was really harmful and scary. "No," he said to himself. But how could he convince them that he was just like them and that he wants to help? He didn't have any answers.

But suddenly, he heard cheers and claps from a distance. He saw a small group of kids rushing towards him. "Aren't they scared of me?" He asked himself. But the kids continued to make their way to the Earthly creature. They came toward him and swarmed him. They all screamed in excitement and laughed with joy. "Our own sandman!" "He's made out rocks!" "No, he's made out of dirt." "He's a super hero!" "Our own super hero is here!" "He could stay with us."

The super hero was overjoyed. Now he knew who he was and why he was here. He's here for these lovely children who accepted him as one of their own. He was their hero. He knew he was there just for them, to protect them from harm. He decided to exist for these kids, no matter what is to unfold in the future!

Sangeeta Chaubal
Mon, 03 May 2010 03:41:44 -0700

what a mighty sandman... he is everywhere...... on my kid's books and his lunch boxes.. NICE story!!!

Sat, 22 May 2010 00:42:08 -0700

I wished I met the Super Hero Sandman. Well...I jst bought his lunch box and he is my frnd now

Tue, 27 Jul 2010 06:46:27 -0700

welll..come with more such super human series..will u?? my kid waits for them

Wed, 01 Dec 2010 00:48:06 -0800

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Title: The Fantastic Origin of Super Hero Water
Weblog: Pongo Beach
Excerpt: When Super Hero Water was a child, he was never like the other children. He enjoyed spending almost all of his time near or in water. He found that he wasn't interested in school or television. All Super Hero Water wanted to do was swim in the pool or soak in the tub. He began to spend so much ti . . .
Tracked: Tue, 11 May 2010 23:38:43 -0700

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