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The Adventure of Young Frankenstein and the Wild Ghost

Young Frankenstein, a small girl named, "Kiara", and a wild ghost lived on the remote Pongo Island. They lived pleasantly on the island, but the wild ghost troubled the villagers days and nights. He wanted to eat a man or a woman everyday. So he came to the village and took someone every night.

However, there was a magic sword, somewhere on the island that can capture and imprison the wild ghost. Young Frankenstein and Kiara took upon themselves to find this unique magic sword; a daring adventure that shall be documented one day. They vowed to put a stop to the menancing wild ghost and bring peace to the village. Luckily for Young Frankenstein, he loved to go on daring adventures. He had always dreamed of being a hero.

After locating the magic sword with Kiara, they returned to face the wild ghost. In a fury, the wild ghost spew its goo-like plasmic breath at Young Frankenstein twice. When Kiara saw that the ghost was too fast for Young Frankenstein to catch it, she quickly decided to distract the ghost herself. With wild ghost's back turned, Young Frankenstein poked the ghost with the magic sword. Surprisingly, upon touching the wild ghost, the magic sword lit up in bright blue and sucked the ghostly spirit into within itself.

That was the last time the villagers had seen the wild ghost. Young Frankenstein still have the magic sword to this day. And the wild ghost is still imprisoned within.

Wed, 20 Oct 2010 01:04:20 -0700

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Excerpt: The Adventure of Young Frankenstein and the Wild Ghost
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