Pongo Beach


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TinkerTom the Thumb Sized Troll

TinkerTom was a very small troll, he was so small he was barely bigger than a thumb. TinkerTom lived in a watch makers shop, he loved nothing more than making and repairing watches and other zany gadgets. But TinkerTom was sad at times as he read about trolls being large and powerful and poor little TinkerTom was only just as tall as a salt shaker. So TinkerTom set about to create a device that would enlarge him to a much bigger scale, many an hour he spent working on his machine day and night, until at last it was finished. Unfortunately as he stepped into the glowing orange device he realised he had used the wrong machine for the final part. With an large pop TinkerTom disappeared from the watch makers shop.

All around TinkerTom was black...and wet? Then TinkerTom realised he was stuck underwater, he tried to swim to the surface, but before he could, a gigantic arm scooped the tiny troll out of the water. TinkerTom stared up at his heroic rescuer who turned out to be Pongo Beach's lovable Sea Lizard. TinkerTom and his new enormous Sea Lizard friend were both amazed at each other's size.

TinkerTom went on and bumped into another new friend in the hills. This friend has a black hat with skull and bones. A black patch covers its only eye. And he grins from cheek to cheek. He's the Alien Pirate that recently landed on Pongo Island. Soon after, the children started whispering about TinkerTom building the Alien Pirate a new ship.

Blue Scotty
Mon, 10 May 2010 14:44:31 -0700

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Title: Alien Pirate has lost his crew!
Weblog: Pongo Beach
Excerpt: An alien pirate has been spotted high in the hills above Pongo Beach! The pirate from planet Pignar says he came to the island to take a holiday from plundering intergalactic treasure, but no sooner had he parked his spaceship in Crow Cave than his crew disappeared! When asked if he thought they . . .
Tracked: Tue, 11 May 2010 23:21:51 -0700

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